Teacher Training
‘Train the Trainer’
A highly acclaimed contemporary course based on Tai Chi/Qigong, recognised by Local Authority and Education Specialists.
International author of 'Chi for Children',
Betty Sutherland guides you through this intensive course designed to teach you how to teach others.
Ideal for Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Community Leaders who would like to learn how to teach Tai Chi to kids, teens and adults.
Can be adapted for Personal Trainers and Carers.
This course has 3 modules allowing you to become a ‘Chi for Children’™ teacher (ongoing training recommended).
On completion you will gain a certificate
From *£125 (10 hours training per module)
*group fee(pp)
Kirk Fenton Primary School -
I was approached by Mrs Celia Curry, Head teacher at Kirk Fenton Primary School, near York who wanted to offer Tai Chi to the teachers and pupils at her school. When I came into the school and met Celia, I realised that this was an ideal environment for 'Train the Trainer' and give the school and village a legacy of holistic wellbeing.
We have just completed the first phase of training with four of the teachers and I have been into the school to support and see the progress first hand. Thanks to Celia's true belief that Tai Chi can help youngsters cope with modern life, I am pleased to say that this school is benefiting from 'Creating Calmer Classrooms' with 'Chi for Children'. Happily I am also able to report that some of the teachers signed up for my evening adult classes -
The lovely village school of Kirk Fenton continues to embrace Tai Chi. I have been delivering 'Train the Trainer' to teachers in the school who are cascading 'Chi for Children' throughout the school for staff and pupils of all ages. It is such a joy to see the little ones 'Playing with the Dragon in the Clouds' I look forward to continuing training in the new term.
Claire Turner, the Deputy Head kindly e-
“My children are much calmer and focused after Tai Chi and it is having a real impact on our phonics learning which follows.” Class teacher
“I can now touch my toes and I couldn’t before. I am more flexible.” EYFS child
“Tai Chi makes me feel relaxed.” Year 1 Child
“Tai Chi helps me to warm up and stretch and be healthy.” Y1 Child
Kirk Fenton is a 'School of Excellence' for Tai Chi. Coming onto the 'Chi for Children' programme in 2015, the school now offers 'Educational Tai Chi' to all students in the school.
Jo Hookman and Gemma McHale (pictured below) have completed training in Module 2. Jo and Gemma have been in training since 2015, dedicating many hours to help Tai Chi flourish in the school. Jo is also learning how to become a fully fledged Tai Chi Teacher and intends to teach in her local community.
Every child in Kirk Fenton practices Tai Chi. Gemma leads Early Years through a ten minute session after lunch to help calm the children ready to start work. She reports that they love it and attention levels have improved and the children ask to do the techniques if she forgets to offer.
Jo has also completed Module 2 and has taught the Young Leaders programme to some of the more matures students who now lead short sessions in classes throughout the school. Teachers are reporting an improvement in attention levels.
'Chi for Children' is being cascaded throughout the school. An outstanding achievement, recognising that 'Every Child Matters'
Sutherland Primary Academy, Stoke on Trent (www.sutherlandprimary.co.uk)
Copyright 2007-
In 2016 Gary Boote, Head of SPA contacted me to discuss Tai Chi teacher training. He decided to send two of his teachers to train in Educational Tai Chi (Chi for Children), Dannii Johnston formerly an International level runner and Dan Meaken an award winning PE teacher. Dannii is an Early Years teacher and now the children as young as 4 and 5 are asking to do Tai Chi to help them settle before lessons.
Mr Boote said: 'We picked the 'Chi for Children' programme because we felt it would help us ©'Create Calmer Classrooms'
Coming from a challenging environment, we felt our students would benefit from learning how to become calm and improve focus and concentration levels. Our Deputy Head, Mr Redmund is now using the techniques for Anger Management sessions and showing success.
Mr Redmund states that: Tai Chi helps teach students to 'channel their energy and bring about calmness in a non-
Some other schools who have come on board:
Kirk Fenton Primary School -
Dannii and Dan received their certificates in July by completing the 'Chi for Children' programme.
For their final assessment they were required to demonstrate their understanding and ability to teach the programme to an age group and children they had never taught before. This took place in Fairburn Primary School, Yorkshire.
The criteria they were assessed against was:
Managing behaviour-
Progress -
Assessing the childrens experience of the lesson.
Demonstrating Learning
The children then had the opportunity to teach a Qigong to the trainers.
Dannii reported that during a recent Ofsted Inspection the Inspector asked to view a Tai Chi lesson. The Inspector commented that he: 'had never seen children coming to attention and quieten down so quickly' On the Ofsted Summary of Key Findings it was stated that: Extra curriculum activities provide students with memorable experiences that engage and enthuse them' and the' Schools PE and Sports provides high quality activities for pupils and supports physical development very well'. The School felt that some of the credit was due to the Tai Chi initiative. The Academy also offers each child a development programme which includes Tai Chi, this is used specifically for the children who have anger issues or challenging behaviour.
I hope to visit the school in the near future to support Dannii and Dan and thank Mr Boote the Head Teacher for embracing the programme.
Brookside Academy Primary, Somerset
Mandy Robertson completed training in July, she has since delivered a 'taster session' to a local Primary school. They are interested in using the programme for professional development for all teaching staff so that the approach can be embedded in every class.
They would like to offer the programme to EYFS and KS1 with an aim to grow the learning through the school and support year 6 students in the preparation for SATs. To develop behaviour plans for individual children and enrichment sessions across the school on a regular basis.
It sounds as though Mandy is growing in confidence and ability. She is the only 'Chi for Children' Trainer in Somerset able to cascade the programme throughout schools and the community across the region